One Account - One Place to Manage Everything

Meet all your import needs with CBPbrokers, you will get all clearance services swiftly at flat prices.

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顾客至上,海关至上, 诚信专业,互惠共赢。

顾客的需求永远是我们第一优先考虑: 让顾客的货物走得更顺、通关的更快、花的钱更少永远是我们行动的最高准则。


在服务的过程中,我们将严格遵守美国海关以及其他政府部门的法规法律,严格按照码头当局相关规定以及其他的规定要求,严格保护顾客的商业秘密及个人隐私,顾客的货物或者包装或者文件有任何不合适不准确的细节,我们都会在第一时间通知顾客整改, 并及时追踪货物,确保服务品质百分之百完美无瑕,确保我们的顾客完美地完成货物垮境业务和扩展国际贸易。

The importer/exporter is solely responsible for his act of importation/exportation, and he is solely liable for the the duties, fees, and penalties upon his act of importation/exportation. The information provided on is to our best knowledge and experiences and it is not your definitive source for information. If you have any doubts or need additional clarifications, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other US government agencies are the definitive sources for your questions.